Route map

Sorry the map is not updating but if you want to see our progress and atcual route go toBike tour map and click next


Acceptable route map

Ok so I got this up I think it is fairly clear. Let me know if you think otherwise.

It was done using the Google earth spreadsheet mapper. I will be editing the mapper to suit my needs and will post it if any one wants my version then. Just let me know.

Please take a look and feel free to comment on the route including places I need to visit, I can stay, and any other thoughts or concerns. Thanks.


  1. Yay! We're on there :) That looks cool! Looks like you are making great progress.

  2. You should make sure to hang out in the Twin Cities between points Q and R... very bike friendly and awesome area. (but I'm from St. Paul so maybe a little biased)
